An image of two people standing in a body of water, next to a stand of tools and instruments.

What it means to be a researcher: water science and community connections in rural Brazil

Story by Olivia Allen. Photos and captions provided by Cydney Seigerman. Originally posted to the River Basin Center website

Plenty of scientists leave their comfort zone for research, but few relocate to another continent—N-EWN member and anthropology graduate student Cydney Seigerman has done it twice. In 2014, they worked as a Fulbright Teaching Assistant in Madrid, Spain. Today, they live in the small city of Quixeramobim in Ceará, Brazil, and have been working there since August 2021. Seigerman is a PhD candidate in the ICON program whose research focuses on the sociopolitical and ecological aspects of water security.

Read the full story on the River Basin Center website!

Two people with helmets sitting on a white motorcycle on the porch of a house.
Seigerman accompanies Kim do Sindicato, the former director and current president of the Rural Workers’ Union of Quixeramobim, on a day of community visits. Through collaboration with him and others at the Union, Seigerman was able to get in contact with many of the communities that are participating in their survey work. [February 2022, Cachoerinha, Quixeramobim, Ceará. Photo Credit: Rubinha Bento]



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