Join N-EWN member Dr. Craig Landry for the Rational & Irrational Choice in Household Flood Risk Management webinar, hosted through the University of Waterloo.
21 Sept 2021, 1 pm Eastern Time
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Topic: Rational & Irrational Choice in Household Flood Risk Management
Description: Although flood insurance has been available for decades in the United States, many households who live in high-risk areas have not purchased flood insurance coverage, despite mandatory purchase provisions that affect many. Dr. Craig Landry, a professor and natural resource economist from the University of Georgia, has been researching how people make flood risk management decisions, such as the choice to buy flood insurance coverage or not. In this webinar, Dr. Landry will discuss how individual expectations, perceptions, and beliefs influence personal choices in flood risk management and how social scientists can model such decisions to learn about underlying factors that motivate self-protection (or a lack thereof).
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