Stantec Announces N-EWN Partnership

Stantec, an engineering firm who specializes in community-minded designs (whether in engineering, architecture, energy, water or project management) recently announced their N-EWN partnership.

In a recent news release, they said:

Today’s environmental, social, and economic fabric can be enhanced with the integration of nature-based solutions, also known as Engineering with Nature (EWN)®, and that enhancement is the key to future global resiliency. EWN is a planning and design approach developed by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the University of Georgia (UGA) that applies natural solutions and nature-based features for mitigation, adaptation, and resilience. Network for Engineering with Nature (N-EWN), a community of researchers, practitioners, and educators, is working to apply EWN to real-world applications, education, and outreach—and relies on collaboration with industry partners.

Read their full announcement here.



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