Our Work

Simfero was founded in 2016 to bring together technical, policy, and stakeholder engagement expertise in wrestling with tough, interconnected challenges. We live and breathe nature-based solutions, know that we benefit immensely in our personal lives from them, and want to see the “movement” accelerated. Simfero occupies a strategic space that allows us to partner with local governments, state and federal agencies, academia, NGOs, private landowners, and other firms.

Our technical areas of expertise include hydrology, soil processes, climate, agriculture, and ecosystem services, but experience across academia, Extension work, and the private sector also means we wrap it all in a bundle that helps us punch far above our weight in bringing together people and nature. Simfero brings to the N-EWN fold current work on communicating NbS to public audiences and elected officials, state guidance on NbS implementation in Texas, involvement in the ASTM NbS for inland flood mitigation task group, work on conservation in conjunction with NPS sites, engagement with USACE FIRO and SRP efforts, large-scale coastal and floodplain restoration projects, rangeland and forest management, speaking engagements across extremely varied audiences and disciplines, and much more.

Learn more about Simfero Consultants

Simfero in N-EWN News

Matthew Berg, CEO and Principal Scientist at our partner organization Simfero, contributed […]
Dr. Matthew Berg, CEO and principal scientist at Simfero Consultants, was recognized […]
The Network for Engineering With Nature (N-EWN) convened for the first N-EWN […]