Our Work

The San Antonio River Authority (River Authority) was created by the 45th Texas Legislature in 1937 and reorganized in 1961 to plan, manage, and implement water-related programs and projects within the San Antonio River Basin. Today, the River Authority has jurisdiction in Bexar, Wilson, Karnes and Goliad counties, and stands as a leader in flood and storm water management, water quality monitoring and analysis, ecosystem restoration, environmental science, wastewater treatment, and nature-based recreation.

The River Authority has long served as the local sponsor for the US Army Corps of Engineers on channel and river improvement projects, including the San Antonio River Channel Improvements Project, the Mission Reach Ecological Restoration Project, and the on-going West Side Creeks Ecosystem Restoration Project. The River Authority is a lead advocate for natural infrastructure in the region. The River Authority has also developed water quality modeling tools that take information from monitoring and not only help to identify and quantify issues related to stream quality degradation, but also to quantify mitigation strategies. These tools generate comprehensive information which can be valuable in strategically panning for either preservation or mitigation of waterbodies.

Ways We Help

Nature-Based Solutions

The San Antonio River Authority is dedicated to achieving a sustainable watershed through improving water quality in the San Antonio River Basin. We believe that sustainability is achieved by implementing solutions that balance a set of criteria that is often referred to as “the triple bottom line.”

Reduce Flood Risk

The River Authority uses comprehensive planning, precision protection, strategic partnership, and community preparedness to help communities throughout the San Antonio River Basin reduce the devastating effects of flooding.

River Health

The San Antonio River Authority and its scientists perform water quality monitoring, biological and habitat assessments throughout the San Antonio River Basin to keep tabs on the condition of this important ecoregion.

SARA in N-EWN News

Last week, a few of our partners joined forces to spread the […]
We’d like to thank the sponsors of our first-ever Partner Symposium, held […]
San Antonio River Authority is working to scale up… by tearing down. […]
Originally published here by Engineering With Nature®. Building on the success of […]
The Network for Engineering With Nature (N-EWN) convened for the first N-EWN […]
Last week, the Network for Engineering With Nature and the National Academies […]