At our February Monthly Highlights meeting for partners, we heard from Brett Branco, Director of the Science and Resilience Institute at Jamaica Bay, a research institute at CUNY’s Brooklyn College and one of our newest N-EWN partners.
Branco gave a brief history of Jamaica Bay, New York City, and the issues the bay has faced over previous decades: The area is a major example of wetland loss, urbanization, pollution and land use change in the U.S.. The talk also highlighted SRIJB’s partnerships with academia, resident communities, private companies and governmental agencies on the federal, state and local levels. The Institute’s mission is to “produce and disseminate knowledge that can be used to increase biodiversity, well-being, and adaptive capacity in coastal communities and waters surrounding Jamaica Bay and New York City.” Branco also discussed how the team evaluates project success on an “evaluation roadmap” that takes into account the ecological, structural and socioeconomic co-benefits each project can contribute to the study region.
These projects align with N-EWN goals in a number of ways, especially developing methods and standards and monitoring performance and outcomes of the Institute’s NbS projects. Thanks for talking to us, SRIJB! Visit their website to learn more here.
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