Integrating People and Policy

Providing infrastructure that supports human wellbeing and equitably meets the needs of diverse communities, requires integration of human values, attitudes, beliefs, and policies with modern communication and collaboration practices.

This focal area covers four main areas: equity, social context, risk perception and systems-scale adoption.

the role of equity

This research examines how benefits and risks of natural infrastructure are not equally distributed between social groups (via racial and wealth inequity), and aims to create a set of guidelines for incorporating equity into the decision making process during natural infrastructure development.

Integrating People and Policy

Explore Projects

People and policy

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engineering with empathy

This project seeks collaboration with interested Tribal communities in the development of methodologies for the co-production of natural infrastructure in water resource planning programs and projects in Indian Country. In collaboration with our Tribal partners, we are seeking guidance on weaving Indigenous and engineering ontologies, knowledge, and ways of managing resources into federal decision making.

military installations

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equity and water resources infrastructure

There is growing demand by engineers, project managers, researchers and local communities to include social equity in water resources infrastructure projects. However, equity is rarely applied in water planning and management, due to challenges in defining and applying the concept.

education and training

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tribal nations water resource management

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