Symposium Day 3:
Group Meetings
The third day of the Symposium (Friday, May 24) will be dedicated to working group meetings, including the N-EWN Advisory Committee. Find the list of meetings below to make your plan!

Friday, May 24
8:00 – 9:15
Advisory Committee Meeting
9:15 – 9:30
9:30 – 10:45
Advisory Committee Meeting
10:45 – 11:00
11:00 – 12:00
Biodiversity Working Group Meeting
See the list of meetings below.
We welcome participants to add other meetings to the schedule for your own teams or interest groups; please contact Sharlynn Sweeney ( with your meeting details.
Planning your Symposium schedule?
Check out more information about the program and more below.

N-EWN Advisory Committee
Who should attend: Members of the N-EWN Advisory Committee
Description: The N-EWN Advisory Committee will be meeting while other groups meet, with the final block free so advisory committee members can join other meetings if they wish. The committee will be using this time to hold their quarterly meeting discussing N-EWN operations and projects.
Duration: 2.5 hr, 8:00 – 10:45 (with 15 minute break)
Location: Coquina
N-EWN Biodiversity Working Group
Development of a biodiversity scorecard
Who should attend: Anyone interested in joining the Biodiversity Working Group
Description: The ability to effectively account for the biodiversity impacts of infrastructure projects within the planning and decision-making stages is critical to achieving resilient and sustainable infrastructure development, particularly where such projects have the potential to enhance, rather than reduce, biodiversity. Efforts to adequately consider biodiversity outcomes in infrastructure decisions and/or monitor the biodiversity impacts from various developmental activities remain scarce or ineffective. With the anticipated infrastructure boom, a holistic framework that can enable the effective consideration of biodiversity impacts in infrastructure decisions remains a foundational data gap. Recognizing the importance of accounting for biodiversity within infrastructure decision-making, we propose a Biodiversity Infrastructure Scorecard framework aimed at evaluating or scoring infrastructure projects based on their positive or negative impacts on biodiversity. This session will explore the development of a scorecard and ask participants to critique and guide ongoing research on the topic.
Duration: 1.5 hr, 11:00 – 12:30
Leads: Charles van Rees (, Seth Wenger, Kyle McKay
Location: Coquina